Next online event

Day 1: Wednesday, September 18⋅2:00 PM6:00 PM (UTC)
Day 2: Thursday, September 19⋅2:00 PM6:00 PM (UTC)

Participants Guide

This document provides essential information for participants in a Lean Poker event.

Event structure

Lean Poker events are inspired by the structure of coderetreats, typically lasting about 6 to 8 hours, starting in the morning around 9am. The day is divided into several segments:

The specifics of each segment are detailed in their respective sections below. The structure may slightly vary to fit different formats and participant needs.


The event starts with a concise yet informative introduction video. This video serves as a foundational step for participants, covering the essentials of what Lean Poker is.

Key highlights of the video include:

For most participants, watching this video will be sufficient to understand the core aspects of the event. The Participant Guide is available for those seeking more detailed information about specific segments of the event.

Forming the Teams

Team formation is a crucial part of the Lean Poker experience, fostering collaboration and diverse thinking. Here's how it typically unfolds:

Regardless of the format, the aim is to encourage participants to self-organize into diverse and effective teams, conducive to a rich learning experience. This section of the event is flexible and can be adapted to suit the specific needs of the group and the event format.

Coding Sessions

The coding sessions are dynamic and engaging, forming the core of the Lean Poker event. Here's what they entail:

These sessions are designed to be intense yet fun, encouraging teams to experiment and iterate rapidly, mirroring real-world software development scenarios.


Retrospectives are integral to the Lean Poker experience, offering moments of reflection and learning:

Retrospectives are designed to be engaging and thought-provoking, ensuring that participants not only develop technical skills but also deepen their understanding of Agile and Lean methodologies in a practical setting.

Closing Circle

The Closing Circle is a crucial component of the Lean Poker experience, serving as a reflective and conclusive segment of the event:

The Closing Circle aims to foster a sense of accomplishment and insight. It encourages participants to internalize their experiences, transforming them into actionable knowledge and perspectives that they can apply in their professional lives.


While Lean Poker is a fun and engaging event, there are a few important rules to keep in mind to ensure a fair and productive experience for everyone:

These rules are designed to ensure that Lean Poker remains a fair, educational, and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Getting Started

This section outlines the essential steps to get your team up and running for the Lean Poker event. For a more interactive guide, we highly recommend watching the introduction video, which includes a screen recording to walk you through these processes.

Registering a Team

Adding Team Members

Cloning the Repository and Deploying

Changing the Default Player

Remember, these steps are fundamental in preparing your team for the Lean Poker event. The introduction video offers a visual and detailed explanation, which can be particularly helpful if you prefer learning through demonstration.

Frequently asked questions

What is shown on the event dashboard's main chart?

The main chart is a relative performance chart, designed to effectively display each team's progress:

You can click on a team's line in the chart to view details of a specific game.

How frequent and long are the sit'n'gos?

Sit'n'gos at Lean Poker events vary in both frequency and duration to keep the game dynamic:

This structure is designed to ensure a continuous, engaging, and manageable pace for all participants.

Is there a time limit for bet requests?

Yes. Each player has about 30 seconds total to respond to all bet requests during a sit'n'go. Exceeding this limit results in removal from the game and loss of the remaining stack. Time limits for individual requests may vary between events.

How can I view the sit'n'gos played by the bots?

To access and navigate through the recorded games played by the bots, follow these steps:

These options allow you to analyze gameplay and strategies, providing valuable insights for refining your team's approach.

Why did a player lose all its money without betting?

This occurs when a player is banned from a game, typically for:

Two players had the same hand, but only one seemed to win the money. Why?

When two players have identical hands, the pot distribution may appear one-sided at first. However, both players do win. The game viewer awards the pot to each winning team sequentially, not simultaneously. So, if you continue stepping through the game, you will see the "player won" message for each winning team.

In rare cases where players still don't seem to receive their share, other factors come into play:

Continue stepping through the game to observe these scenarios and understand the distribution outcome.

Can I access game logs via an API?

Yes. Find the 'Games JSON' under the 'Event' menu on the dashboard, which lists all sit'n'gos. Use the provided URL format to download JSON data for each game.

Game log URL:<tournament_id>/game/<game_id>/log

How can I tell if my deployment was successful?

Check the deployment menu on the dashboard:

Can I view logs in production?

Yes, any output to stderr appears in the application logs, accessible from your team's menu on the event dashboard.

Is using an external log indexing service possible?

Yes, if you prefer a different log viewer or need longer log retention. Obtain a log drain URL from an online logging service and add it under 'Custom logdrains' in the team menu on the event dashboard.

If you still have questions, head over to the frequently asked questions section.